Monday, July 29, 2013


There are only a handful of days that remain permanently engrained in our brains and on our hearts. 
July 29, 2000 is one of those days for me...
It was the day I said 'I do' to the rest of my life.
At that moment I hadn't a clue what was in store for either of us, together or separately...
But I knew in my core that I had forever linked myself to someone who was my other half. 
Lyrics played 'At Last' and we danced. 
People clapped and we kissed. 
Lights flashed and we smiled.
And looking back now, 13 years later, I can see it all just as clear.
He is my balance.
He is my shelter.
He is my look from across the room and instantly have a conversation without saying a word person.
He calms me down and fires me up.
I know it may sound silly but he is the one person that when I hear a love song (old or new) I can always find a way to make it about him. 
He is my Mirror... I truly do reflect in his eyes (JT).
I know we are not perfect but we are perfect for each other.
He finishes where I end.
 I pick up where he leaves off...
He and I.
Me and Him.
Everything is better when we are together (Jack Johnson).
13 years strong.
Love you, My Love (JT again).

1 comment:

  1. We were married for exactly 28 days when you got married...we have more in common than we ever realized! Such a sweet post!
