Thursday, September 12, 2013

Comings and Goings

The last 3 weeks to a month are a blur. A fuzzy montage of all too much going on and way too much coming at us. So to wrap it all into one post, I decided to give you a glimpse into our last 3 weeks in the same quick way it seemed to come and go at us...

New Kitchen Face Lift!
Hello Yellow!!
Back to School... 
Who's more excited?? Me or the boys?!!?
Soccer, Soccer and More Soccer... 
2 Academy teams and 2 Rec teams between these 2 boys!
Missing the beach and our time with Friends and each other (sans kids)!!
This boy turning 10... 
 Welcome to the world of your kid having an iTouch...
Who said I was ready for pre-teenagey stuff!?!?
Training for my first Half Marathon... 
Didn't go as planned but going to give it my best this Saturday!!!
New Bathroom for the boys!
Little touches make a big difference!!

For now, that's all I've got! 
I am sure I am leaving off a lot and missing more than I know!!
Here's to the next month and hopefully a less stressful pace but just as many blessings...

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