Monday, January 7, 2013

Good Bye 2012... Hello 2013

Well, I know I have said it before and I will say it again... Where does the time go? How do days pass so quickly? And wasn't it just Thanksgiving??? As much as I try to savor every moment, time just eludes me sometimes! I want to slow it down, and yet just when I think I have taken a snails pace, I look up and an entire holiday season is behind me!
This past year we embraced a lot of new and exciting, yet scary things as a team of 4....

Big boy got glasses.
He completely rocks them and totally own his 'Bieber' style... This kid can demand attention!

Little Man continued to keep us on our toes.
He started training with a 6-7 year old Academy soccer team... yea, he's 5!

My favorite guy took a huge risk and stepped into a big dream job this past year.
His love for me, his personal drive, and his amazing way with our boys never ceases to leave me breathless!

As a team of 4, we have learned and loved more this year than any year I can remember thus far! Isn't that the way it's supposed to be though? I can't see us just idly sitting by and not trying grow our love each year. That is what family is to us...that's how we define our life together. We live and love more each day. We may not always get it perfect but we can try each day to perfect our family's bond. I love the little moments that fill our 4 walls, even the little moments that aren't the happiest!!! Love can be shown in a lot of different ways, and not just when times are on a high! We have seen that this past year, our love endured and grew in spite of growing pains, changes, highs, lows, fun times and hard times. I see our boys learning to love at all times. I see them embracing more with an open heart and a hopeful spirit. It fills my soul to be blessed with this family...
This grace that is my team of 4!
Here's to another year filled with love!!!
Always - Abbey

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